24177 - American Recognition of the genocide of Christians

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

That which all of us who are involved in human rights and the recognitions of genocides were waiting for, has been done. The Unites States of America House of Representatives voted unanimously with 393 votes the resolution for declaring the action of the terrorist organization Daesh, as genocide. More specifically the resolution decided that the atrocities that were committed by Daesh against the Christians, the Yazidis and other religious and ethnic minorities in Iraq and in Syria constitute crimes of war, crimes against Humanity and genocide. This example is significant also for the other countries and forms because they will be able to support much easily the resolution even within their own country. For quite some time we have been saying that the terrorist organization Daesh has been committing genocide but we now have an official institute and in fact of great extent to recognize this genocide also in a practical manner. It is not a designation which the victims themselves are claiming in America but a national decision of justice which follows also the notion of the Rights of Humanity. Since it is a nation member of Humanity which recognizes the right of peoples to life. This change of phase is important for the future since the perpetrators are accused immediately and not after decades of struggles for recognition. This way Humanity and can be more engaging and more effective against barbarity so that is saves the innocents before they die.