86121 - Transcription: The discovery of Tutankhamun
This was discovered by Carter, Howard Carter. The Tutankhamun discovery occurred in 1922. Now look at the beauty ...
86120 - Transcription: Civilizations of Humanity
There are only few civilizations which have left as great ...
86135 - Transcription: The Turkish Foreign Minister out of context with the US
When we hear the Turkish foreign minister’s statements, we understand that Turkey is incompetent at the level of diplomacy. Things are very simple. When you want to get F-16s, you cannot simultaneously ...
86136 - Transcription: The absurd claims of the Turkish Foreign Minister against Greece
Many in Greece believe that the Turkish Foreign Minister can do more because he does not have exactly the same style as Erdogan. In actual fact he is exactly within the same context, but comes across ...
86110 - Transcription: How Hamas exploits hospitals
In order to understand what is happening with the hospitals in Gaza, we need to integrate the issue within the <
86109 - Transcription: Turkey is absent from negotiations between Hamas and Israel
Turkey is trying to convince us, and to specifically convince the Arab countries, that it can play the role of a negotiator and to mediate, in relation to the attacks carried out by Hamas and the counter-attacks ...
86108 - Transcription: Hamas’ brutalities against women
After the shock of the events of October 7th, we have more and more eyewitness accounts of the brutalities committed by Hamas. Why is that of importance? Because at first we tried not to talk about ...
86122 - Transcription: Life of Humanity
It is of great importance when we are abroad to be with people who know things, who teach us how people live locally and by entering their way of life we finally understand how to be humane, because ...
86124 - Transcription: Turkey threatens with the S-400s
It is very important what Turkey is doing in relation to the S-400. We know very well that the S–400 are to blame for ...
86117 - Transcription: East Med pipeline to be implemented
When we are discussing the East Med pipeline it is very important to comprehend that it is a project whos ...
86118 - Transcription: Security Council – Israeli partial ceasefire resolution
At last the Security Council makes a decision and we have a first result, which was originally conceived by ...
86130 - Transcription: The propaganda of Hamas is over and done with
Hamas has such inadequate results in the military sector, that it is obliged to exploit the issues through propaganda, in ...
86129 - Transcription: The despicable Chief of Navy
As if the statements of the Turkish President were not enough, those of the Chief of Navy had to come as well...
86127 - Transcription: Germany’s harsh language against Turkey’s barbarism
As these days we are in Germany on Mission in Hamburg, we can very well appreciate how the German press ...
86128 - Transcription: Biden and Blinken talk about the dictator forthrightly and bluntly
Now we know Blinken's style in many of his statements and we are aware of how he functions diplomatically ...
86125 - Transcription: Turkey is preparing its own fighter jet
We will slowly have to deal with another issue and it concerns the air force of Turkey. What Turkey wants ...
86123 - Transcription: Turkey’s Euro fighter dirty game
During this period, a dirty game is taking place as far as the aircrafts that Turkey wants to obtain are concerned. Why? Because ...
86116 - Transcription: East Med pipeline tosses aside Turkey
The developments in the Middle East have changed all the data and a situation which is very positive for the East Med ...
86112 - Transcription: Le danger de la neutralité en temps de guerre
Dans un conflit militaire, dans un conflit de guerre il est très important d'éviter d'être totalement neutre parce qu'on décide au départ ...
86111 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #163: In a war we need to be relevant
It's very important that the position of the Prime Minister of Canada is not relevant about the conflict between Israel and Hamas...
86058 - Transcription: The danger of Chinese mass production of humanoid robots
A lot of people are talking about artificial intelligence but in a somewhat artificial manner or a somewhat ablative one. In actual fact ..
86060 - Transcription: Turkey’s wrong strategy
In order to understand how irrelevant Turkey's approach is in the Middle East, it is enough to examine the issue of high strategy in the Middle East ...
86059 - Transcription: High Strategy Analysis in the Middle East
If we examine things in the Middle East rationally and observe, not merely the crisis taking place right now, but over a long period of time, even if ...
86101 - Transcription: La fin du réseau Hamas à Gaza
A présent nous avons des informations officielles par le porte-parole de l'armée d'Israël. Donc on sait que l'armée d'Israël contrôle désormais tous les points névralgiques de la bande de Gaza, ce qui veut dire qu' en fait l'organisation Hamas ne peut ...
86102 - Transcription: China is attacking the US in a communication war
Right now we can see that there is a real war in the field of communication between China and the US. The …
86077 - Transcription: La France contre l’antisémitisme
86076 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #161: The new Chinese strategy in the Middle East
Even in the US many people think that the American arguments against China are exaggerating the situation and they do ...
86061 - Transcription: Gaza is dangerous for all players in the region
Because we are all dealing with the Middle East crisis at this point of time, we ought to understand a few ...
86057 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #160: History creates Future
History is not a fiction and of course it isn’t dead. Our position in front of history is very important because we have to define ...
86056 - Transcription: La nécessité de la marche contre l’antisémitisme
86035 - Transcription: New armament supply problem for Turkey
With the problems Erdogan is causing and with the extreme statements he makes, we actually have more ...
86034 - Transcription: Iran is targeting America… and not just Israel
Iran's position via its President is quite clear. It is not only looking at the Gaza Strip issue, it is not only ...
86036 - Transcription: The Memory of Mankind
All those graves you see behind me are Commonwealth graves, therefore within, there are people who ...
86037 - Transcription: The fallen soldiers of Humanity during the Two World Wars
It is wise to think how many people, from different countries, here are from Italy as you see it continuing ...
86038 - Transcription: The sacrifice for freedom
As you see here, all these graves are of people who sacrificed themselves for us, without knowing necessarily ...
86040 - Transcription: The growth through war
If you're thinking of war as the opposite of peace, certainly you will have problems of interpretation and even understanding because ...
86031 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #158 Middle East: Solution, Tactics and Grand Strategy
We have to understand right now that a local conflict cannot be understood as only one point. In fact it is just a vertex in a graph...
86030 - Transcription : Le caractère fondamental du 11 Nov. 1918.
Pour bien saisir le fait que 11 Novembre 1918 n'est pas simplement une date, il faut réaliser le contexte de l'époque. À l'époque on ne parlait que de la...
86005 - Transcription: Greece an active ally of Saudi Arabia
Who would have believed a few years ago that Greece, thanks to the American Patriots, could ...
86003 - Transcription: Turkey is limited to its EEZ and to the Black Sea one at that
Before various scaremongers and supposedly experts of the field get activated, it is good to know that Turkey will be drilling within ...
86002 - Transcription: New slap in the face for Turkey
A new European Union decision constitutes a slap in the face for Turkey. It is good to say it in a clear way, because when Turkey did illegal ...
86007 - Transcription: Frictions between politics and geopolitics
As the President of the US is clear because he said that the strong support of the US to Israel is a fact, some people, especially in the US, due ...
86006 - Transcription: Manipulation des réseaux sociaux à la soviétique
Lorsque nous parlons de vestiges de la guerre froide dans le domaine de la géopolitique, beaucoup de Français pensent que ce sont des exagérations et qu'en réalité tout cela...
85969 - Transcription: Turkey’s absurd reaction
Because Turkey received the 25th report of the European Commission regarding her accession process, the first thing she did, as a country ...
85744 - Transcription: War in the Middle East and Hydrocarbons in Europe
The first thing we ought to understand with the ignition which has occurred in the Middle East, is that things, not only do not change regarding hydrocarbons, but they are actually enhanced. As a result we see companies like Transocean which had bought out Ocean Rig, to now have their rigs in maintenance, because they […]
85973 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #156: Propaganda, Deception and real War
If we study this conflict at the strategic level, we can see that it is not just a proxy war, it is also something like a psychological operation...
85972 - Transcription: Techniques de propagande et image artificielle
85961 - Transcription: La question de l’hôpital dans la crise au Moyen-Orient
La question de la destruction de l'hôpital est intéressante, comme cas d'école à étudier. Au départ tout le monde pensait que c'était une attaque de la part d'Israël, ensuite on a compris que ce n'était pas évident, puis enfin on a eu les preuves que c'était lors du lancement...
85743 - Transcription: Analysis is one thing, and combativeness is another
When you are observing a strategic game from a distance or even merely as an observer, even if you are close, you tend to assume that ...
85946 - Transcription: The big game of the Middle East
It is certain that all eyes are focused upon the issue of the Middle East. They all understand that the confrontation between Israel and ...
85960 - Transcription: The difference between the Us and Israel and the essence of their position
Even if it's not obvious to everyone, the position of the US and Israel are the same against Hamas. I mean with that ...
85869 - Transcription: Hamas is one thing and Fatah is another
Because we are talking about Hamas continuously, we give the impression that Fatah doesn't exist. In actual fact it is Fatah that runs ...
85764 - Transcription: Turkey as a pseudo mediator in the Middle East
With all that which is happening in the Middle East, there are many who are wondering what their position should be and how they ...
85941 - Transcription: Turkish difficulties
We see that things are evolving very quickly in the Middle East, we understand that even Turkey wants to play a role, and this role is ...
85778 - Transcription: Historical foundations regarding Gaza
Because during this period we are talking a lot about Gaza, it is wise to found our knowledge. One thing that’s of importance is that ...
85779 - Transcription: Historical foundations about Jerusalem
Since we are of late talking much about Jerusalem, it is good to keep in mind some foundations of History and Archaeology. So the first ...
85947 - Transcription: Hommage aux victimes des actes de barbarie
Un mois après les attentats barbares commis par le Hamas contre les 1400 personnes israéliennes, Jérusalem rend hommage aux victimes. C'est important ...
85949 - Transcription: Podcast With US #154: Proxy war, War and Wargame
Now it’s clear for everybody that in the Middle East we have the application of Game Theory. So we have a game at a local level with ...
85716 - Transcription: The Propaganda Trap
The first thing we see with the issue of the hospital in Gaza, is that they are immediately concerned about ...
85741 - Transcription: Strategy Game and the Middle East
We now have these two structures and we want to create a connection here. Here you can have the analogue to the sea, let's say you ...
85923 - Transcription: Crisis in Israel and elections in America
It is of very importance to comprehend what is happening now between Israel and America, due to the ...
85934 - Transcription: Non-Arab representatives of Arabs
Because now some finally have understood that Turkey cannot function as a preponderant in the Arab ...
85626 - Transcription: The hidden goals of Hamas
Those who say they are concerned with Palestine and are merely observing what is happening with Hamas ...
85924 - Transcription: Middle East Crisis: A Rocket is one thing and a Missile is another
In the Middle East where this crisis is taking place we ought to be very careful in the vocabulary we use...
85699 - Transcription: Israel, Jordan and Egypt in relation to Gaza
In the context of the war taking place between Israel and Hamas, it is interesting to see what has been said ...
85926 - Transcription: The Iran – Turkey alliance
If there are still people wondering what Turkey is doing in relation to the war taking place in the Middle East, things are very simple ...
85908 - Transcription: The crisis in Gaza and the weird game of Jordan
It's interesting to examine the game played especially by Jordan. At the moment we can see her looking at the issue almost in a neutral manner ...
85910 - Transcription: Podcast With US #152: How to valorize a crisis.
When we have a crisis in geopolitics we have to imagine that at the theoretical level it’s a way to change things. With the ...
85898 - Transcription: Sur la notion d’influence en stratégie
Dans ce podcast nous allons nous intéresser à la notion d'influence. Cette influence sur le plan géopolitique est peut-être un peu trop...
85897 - Transcription: Podcast With US #151: Analysis of the notion of occupation in geopolitics and strategic games
In this podcast let’s talk about the notion of occupation. We want to see the difference with the annexation and to imagine how it’s possible ...
85879 - Transcription: What is the strategic human resource management
We all more or less know what we mean by human resources and can imagine what human resource management also means. The ...
85878 - Transcription: The structural error of the Turkish aircraft carrier
Those who try to stigmatize Turkey's aircraft carrier and in fact the next two orders, it is wise to observe the matter a little more technically...
85873 - Transcription: Podcast With US #149: Tactics vs Strategy
Ιt’s very important to understand the difference between tactics and strategy...
85863 - Transcription: Seule la Liberté apporte la Paix
En ce moment nous entendons, sans arrêt, mettre en avant la notion de la paix. C'est ...
85848 - Transcription: Israel: Classical use of doctrine in strategy
When you announce your strategy, it means that you are within the doctrine context. Doctrine is an exception in strategy, since it is the only element which is visible, strategy remains within the invisible. Consequently when you announce a huge generalized attack, the other expects to have it imposed upon him and to resist in […]
85861 - Transcription: Tsumego: Black to kill white
In this position the tsumego seems to be clear. So the black has to kill the white ...
85787 - Transcription: Podcast With US #145: Geopolitics, Chess and Go
It’s very important to understand the fact that we can't codify anything on a chessboard or even on a goban ...
85780 - Transcription: Podcast With US #144: Global versus local analysis in Geopolitics
It’s very important to consider the difference between the local analysis and the global analysis. Because we have the trend to consider ...
85728 - Transcription: Podcast With US #142: The protection of democracies against barbarity
The words of the President of the United States are clear and efficient. When Joe Biden said that the terror and tyranny ...
85722 - Transcription: Podcast With US #141: Wartime and big chessboard
It’s very important to be clear and coherent about the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. There is no opposition, we don’t have to choose ...
85719 - Transcription: The universal diversity of Music
Let’s talk about the merlin. The idea is the following. We have four strings, one, one and two. There is a difference also for the distance, here, between ...
85717 - Transcription: Podcast With US #140: The Alliance of the USA and Israel
The President of the US said that he’s going to ask tough questions to the prime minister ...
85698 - Transcription: Podcast With US #139: The UN Security Council rejects Russian resolution
In this podcast let’s talk about the decision of United Nations more precisely. The United Nations Security Council rejected a Russian ...
85631 - Transcription: Podcast With US #136: Israel, Hamas and Israeli Hostages
A very crucial problem in this conflict and now this war between Israel and Hamas and not of course Palestine, is the problem of Israeli ...
85628 - Transcription: The strategy of Israel
It’s very important for the strategy of Israel to avoid any confusion between Hamas and Palestine. The idea is that Hamas is certainly ...
85627 - Transcription: Hamas isn’t Palestine
We have to be very precautious in this kind of war because it’s a proxy war so they use propaganda. They want from us to think that Palestine ...
85621 - Transcription: Podcast With US #135: The struggle against barbarity
The position of the US in this new kind of conflict which is in fact a proxy war in Israel, is very clear. It’s an act of barbarity and everybody ...
85618 - Transcription: Liberty and Union.
Liberty and Union. Now and forever. One and inseparable ...
85617 - Transcription: The picture of Humanity.
It’s interesting when we are near the lake to find a bench like this one on which is written ...
85611 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #134: Israel counterattacks
Now we have more information about the terrorist attack of Hamas against Israel. We know ...
85607 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #133: Analysis of the terrorist attack against Israel
After this attack against Israel it's very important to analyze the situation and to understand ...
85574 - Transcription: Podcast With US #131: Nobel Prize in Physics 2023
This podcast is dedicated to the Nobel prize in physics. This Nobel, this year, has been awarded to a team of scientists who discover ...
85539 - Transcription: Podcast With US #130: About Yose in Go Game
This podcast is dedicated to the notion of yose in the Go game. Why we are interested ...
85528 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #129: Time, trace and essence
In this podcast let’s talk about Time. Time in relation with Humanity. What is the meaning ...
85519 - Transcription: The situation of crisis in Artsakh
This podcast is dedicated to Artsakh. And I mean with that name the region Nagorno-Karabakh. For Armenians of Artsakh there is no choice because ...
85515 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #127: Intelligence
This podcast is dedicated to intelligence. With that word we mean many things. And the problem is to have a consistent definition about this notion...
85470 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #126: Kung Fu as a combative Harmony
In Western civilization when we think about the notion of Harmony we think that it is in fact a state. We don’t see its dynamics. The problem ...
85436 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #125:The Work of Bruce Lee
This podcast is dedicated to the teaching of Master Lee. For almost all people, Bruce Lee was only a star in martial art movies. But they ...
85431 - Transcription: Security Council and China
This podcast is an attempt to understand the role and the position of China in the Security Council. He have to study the historical ...
85387 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #123: The counterattack of Ukraine
In this podcast let’s talk about Ukraine. Yes, it’s a fact, the counterattack is slow but it’s normal and we ...
85340 - Transcription: West and China
This podcast is dedicated to the relation between West and China. We know what it is happening in China, we know that the human ...
85322 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #121: The Aboriginal Voice
This podcast is dedicated to the votes for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. The idea is the following...
85321 - Transcription: Podcast With Us #120: Go, Strategy and Applications
This podcast is dedicated to some aspects that we can find in strategy or even in Grand Strategy. Those aspects ...
85311 - Transcription: Brain, Joy and Harmony
In this podcast let’s talk about the brain. The first problem I see with the brain is that we are talking ...
85258 - Transcription: Ukraine counterattack
With the new extensive missile attack on Sevastopol shipyard we have a new face in the Ukrainian issue. For those who thought that it will ...
85225 - Transcription: Podcast with Us #113: From Civil War to Proxy War
In this podcast we want to talk about the notion of Proxy War. Because this notion is difficult, it belongs to the sign* operations and it ...
85206 - Transcription: Podcast With US #112: India and/or Bharat
In this podcast let’s talk about India or more precisely about Bharat. The idea is for the moment at least a detail but this detail is relevant ...
85086 - Transcription: Podcast With US #108: Democracy and Elections
For some of us it’s maybe too early to talk about elections if we want to have an objective point of view. But the fact is that we are already ...
85085 - Transcription: Podcast With US #107: Pleasure and Freedom
In this podcast let’s talk about pleasure and its relation with freedom. It's a very simple concept, in fact a universal concept but at the same ...
85002 - Transcription of Podcast With US #103: Humanity and Pattern Recognition
In this podcast we want to talk about Pattern Recognition. It’s very important to understand that for Humanity to have this property in its mind it’s a foundation for the others, I mean the human beings. You need to understand this, your memory and your intelligence. You need your memory to remember, you need your […]
84979 - Transcription: Podcast With US #102: Superhistory
In this podcast let’s talk about superhistory. To define history it’s rather simple but to define superhistory it’s more complex because ...
84920 - Transcription: Podcast With US #101: Humanity and Earth
In this podcast we want to study the relation between Mankind and Earth. We are used to say that those notions are totally different ...
84880 - Transcription: Russian support of Turkish barbarity
With the events right now in Cyprus and the problem of the issue of Cyprus, it’s clear that Russia is not able to be a part of the solution ...
84814 - Transcription: S.O.S.
It’s quite impossible to imagine a life without music and it’s the same without souls. So, maybe it’s difficult to imagine what it’s really ...
84695 - Transcription podcast #17 Analysis Telegram from the Embassy in Turkey to the Department of State, July 17, 1974 Ankara
Transcription podcast #17 Analysis Telegram from the Embassy in Turkey to the Department of State, July 17, 1974 Ankara
84476 - Transcription: Support. Lyon
We can see two persons with the statue but in fact is the same one who is supporting its own soul.
84475 - Transcription: The Theatre. Lyon
The theatre is always in the center of the town. It’s a way to produce a new ...
84474 - Transcription: The source of life. Lyon
We are next to the source of life. Here we can see in the center of the town ...
84473 - Transcription: Wilson Bridge. Lyon
We are walking on Wilson Bridge and it’s a recognition of the work of this president ...
84451 - Transcription: The powerful underpromotion.
We have in this position a nice example of the powerful bishop than this one. So you can see that if you have promotion and you get a queen, ...
84450 - Transcription: The Paul Morphy’s mate
With this position we can study the mate of Paul Morphy. So the point is the following. We have the rook, ...
84449 - Transcription: Classical Tsumego
You can see here in the corner of the goban a classical tsumego. So the goal of this kind of problem is to see if there is a position for death or live. ...
84448 - Transcription: Non planar pentacubes
Imagine the following problem. You have 5 cubes and you want to create a pentacube and the problem is the following. ...
84453 - Transcription: Hex Game. Smart Education
The Hex Game is an invention of Hein but it’s also a discovery of Nash but after him. So it’s a positional game, it’s a connection game ...
84446 - Transcription: Frank Game. Smart Education
I want to present this game from the smart education. It was created as a duty to the famous mathematician Frank Ramsey. We have ...
84281 - Transcription: Music
Music is a manifold for the human brain. Music is in fact something which is unique but at the same time ...
84280 - Transcription: Smart Education
We talk about the importance of education but we forget something which is crucial. ...
84189 - Transcription: The Reverse Universe of Sidis
If you want to understand the concept of the reverse universe of Sidis', we have to consider the mirror. ...
84188 - Transcription: The Cosmology of Sidis
If we really want to understand Sidis’ theory about Cosmology we have to study his book ...
84182 - Transcription: New Russian Game
We can see now that Russia is playing a new game with Wagner group. Russia is trying to separate the leader from ...
84134 - Transcription: Frictions in the Russian System
We have a new situation in Ukraine. The problem with the invasion is no more just ukrainian, it's also russian. Right now, in Russia ...
83937 - Transcription: Dendromino
I would like to present you this new structure. The name of this structure is dendromino. ...
83936 - Transcription: Advice for Ukraine
If you are seek with the propaganda of the Kremlin, if you are tired with this war, ...
83935 - Transcription: The Liberation of Ukraine
The beginning of the liberation of Ukraine is now a fact. ...
83934 - Transcription: Near the lake
When you are near the lake it’s possible to imagine ...
83911 - Transcription: History – Faith
There is no History without Faith, there is no Faith without History ...
83910 - Transcription: The next reality
The burning bush it's only a concept for the first step of your faith ...
83869 - Transcription: Time is with us
Everything is a question of Time ...
83866 - Transcription: λ-puzzle
Let’s talk about the λ-puzzle. So you can see we have a ...
83859 - Transcription: Piece of Paradise
If you hear the sound of the water you will be able to imagine a piece of Paradise.
83857 - Transcription: Pieces of Nature
It’s very difficult to imagine how important is ...
83843 - Transcription: Powerful beauty, 07/06/2023
If the beauty is so powerful it is because it’s also the most precious tool for truth.
83847 - Transcription: Reality of your Mind, 07/06/2023
If you draw just the reality of your mind at the end of your work you will be beyond imagination.
83846 - Transcription: Try to find the key, 07/06/2023
If something looks really difficult imagine that it is only a puzzle like this one so try to find the key and you will find the solution.
83845 - Transcription: The Work, 07/06/2023
Don’t try to change the world just change it with your work.
83844 - Transcription: Depth of the Time, 07/06/2023
The painting is deeper than the surface so try to see it with the depth of the Time.
83834 - Transcription: von Koch – Vauban Structure, 06/06/2023
We created this structure in catalysis to obtain an efficient result. So we use for the outside the Vauban structure ...
83833 - Transcription: Smart puzzles and strategic solutions in life, 05/06/2023
To improve your life you need smart solutions to tough problems. You need also to keep in mind that a way ...
83796 - Transcription: Wittgenstein 7
The last point is surprising but in fact it’s logical in Wittgenstein’ ...
83795 - Transcription: Wittgenstein 6
We can consider the sixth point of Wittgenstein as an implementation ...
83794 - Transcription: Wittgenstein 5
The fifth point of Wittgenstein is to say that the proposition is a true function of elementary proposition. It’s a way to use the induction ...
83793 - Transcription: Wittgenstein 4
The fourth point of Wittgenstein is to define the ...
83792 - Transcription: Wittgenstein 3
The third point of Wittgenstein is to define a thought...
83790 - Transcription: Wittgenstein 1
Τhe Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of Wittgenstein ...
83771 - Transcription: Bugchu. (Traditional instrument from Punjab region), 04/06/2023
Let’s play with a bugchu.
83772 - Transcription: Bugchu, 04/06/2023
Let’s talk about this traditional instrument of the Punjab region. ...
83757 - Transcription: Existence and Humanity, 03/06/2023
All the time we are talking about a problem of existence, but the real problem is quite different. ...
83754 - Transcription: Future and History, 03/06/2023
It looks like a paradox. When you want to see the future you need to study the history. ...
83742 - Transcription: Improvisation in music, 02/06/2023
It looks obvious that a random process is more or less related to the notion of improvisation. ...
83741 - Transcription: Complexity is simple, 02/06/2023
Even if it is surprising, complexity and simplicity are not exactly opposites. ...
83649 - Transcription: The contribution to the History of Mankind
If you really want the contribution of someone to the History ...
83648 - Transcription: Australia’s EEZ
When you see the Australians as a Pan- Aboriginal ...
83642 - Transcription: Units of Time, 28/05/2023
Our relation with Time is rather complicated because we consider ...
83632 - Transcription: Human jungle
We are in the city but also in ...
83631 - Transcription: Inside another beauty.
Now we are inside another ...
83630 - Transcription: Human Nature
We are in the park and we can see the beauty ...
83629 - Transcription: The tree’s music
If you look inside the tree, you ...
83628 - Transcription: Inside the painting
If you want to walk inside the painting, just ...
83609 - Transcription: Ready to play
So let's see this which seems to be a detail, but in fact it's very ...
83608 - Transcription: Gift for the humans, Lyon
It’s nice to see that the power of the river ...
83607 - Transcription: Next to the river, Lyon
We are next to the river, it’s impossible to go closer ...
83606 - Transcription: On the bridge, Lyon
On the bridge, over the river, next ...
83605 - Transcription: Next to the river, Lyon
We are just next to the river and we can ...
83604 - Transcription: The beauty of Island, Lyon.
The bridge, the island and ...
83603 - Transcription: Next to the river, Lyon
Next to the river and the ...
83602 - Transcription: Target
Step by step we go to target over the river ...
83601 - Transcription: Piece of History, Lyon
When you see this piece of History on this river ...
83600 - Transcription: Boat in Time, Lyon
When you see this island you can ...