14982 - Analysis of Article 4 of the Treaty of Lausanne

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Article 4 Treaty of Lausanne

All able-bodied (‘hommes valides’) men belonging to the Greek population, whose families have already left Turkish territory, and who are now detained in Turkey, shall constitute the first installment of Greeks sent to Greece in accordance with the present Convention.

The first to be moved will be able-bodied men. It is understood what happens to a family when, for example, the father leaves. Where would the mother go with the children? So, they do not refer to the whole population,but to every man who is a potential soldier. But, of course, they do not state the term ‘soldier’, but ‘able-bodied’ man. The first question you should ask yourselves is: able at what? For, it is not related to ‘incompetent’. It’s well targeted, who is called what, from when, where and how one is moved.