15441 - After the beginning

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

After the beginning there was no return.
The path had opened and they had to continue.
Beside the infinite blue they felt the desert.
And it wouldn’t be for forty days only.
The Master and Peter were determined.
His friendship lifted the morale of his co-fighters.
Everyone looked at what they had managed.
So far away from homeland.
So close to Christ.
The self-referenced repetition had begun.
And the Thousand year man had come to live it.
Because from the beginning he was ready to die but only for the others.
It was not a matter of principle. And he was not kind.
He continued the tradition with the innovation.
Because no one had the right to stop our faith. Since no one could forget the self sacrifice.
It was in his blood from the end of the beginning.
Lilac of Time.