15948 - The toughest winter

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

The climatic conditions of Cyprus even in the winter were nothing.
But that winter of 1570 came cruelty.
Never before had anyone seen such hatred in Famagusta oppressing
the homeland.
Yet no one knelt down.
And each one played their role in this counterattack.
Adverse conditions.
Domination of space.
But Time continued.
The fighters were waiting for reinforcements.
This was constantly in his mind when he looked at the endless blue.
The sixteen ships passed.
Far from Crete and Rhodes.
Even farther from Kastellorizo​​.
They had on them sixteen hundred men with Governor Manantonio Queniri and his son Gianantonio.
While they did not know they were on a secret mission, since he had to unite all the forces of Christianity so that barbarism would be sunk.
On January 26, 1571 they arrived in Famagusta.
And this created a change in phase.
The Ottomans had not estimated this reinforcement since they saw that the defense of the castle was a lost cause.
They had not realized that it was the new Thermopylae preparing the new Salamis.
Because the high strategy had been activated.
And it was a matter of time for the greater counterattack.
But in the meantime Famagusta had to sustain with all the problems it had without kneeling.
And that was the goal.
The defense until the end.
For Time to become a sacred ally.
When they entered into the castle he examined carefully in what state were the fortifications and how they had sustained the attacks.
The bombings had turned many parts of Famagusta in ruins.
But the living continued to respect the dead and without a cry and any lamentation, they wept with joy when they saw them.
It was the first afterjoy in Cyprus.