16940 - The boomerang of returning

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

After the genocide had had defeated the genociders.
And none of them would dare touch humanity.
The Salvation Army, or rather those who had remained, were returning to their lands.
His turn had come .
Without being able to explain it to someone he knew it from the beginning.
As if he were himself a traditionally carved wooden boomerang always ready to hit the target and return to its original position.
That was also a symbol of the multicicle factor.
This is what he realized as Time past by.
So he returned home when the war ended.
Things were as he left them.
At least the tree trunks.
Now he could also see the multivarietal of Humanity.
He again stroked each trunk as he had done with the columns.
They were durable and warm as the summer that was due to come.
All his openings were windows to the world.
Not only the new and the old also.
Because the past and the future had become one.
A human bond was created.
And he would consequently give the example .
To all fighters for Humanity.
With the mission he had proved that even from afar, we can not only be together, but also fight together against barbarism.
In this form he fought later on, in his land.
So his flag would climb next to the other.
As this was the proper.
So the following, thanks to these fights could live free.
As a human mosaic that connected the blue and white, the Southern Cross and the sun of two colours.
This was his contribution to humanity for eons to eternity.