17051 - Zeolite Institute

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

With the new data existing in Greece, it is necessary to consider the structure and infrastructure of a zeolite Institute , which would utilize the innovations offered by the zeolite in various fields. Because it is not enough to begin the zeolite utilization, but we must think strategically and rationally regarding the added value that is allowed by its use. The zeolite Institute must provide knowledge, which could be made proportional to that of the level in the form of seminars and Masterclasses.
In this context where the theoretical is applicable at first, we can add the practical part next, with experiments that are either of a research or an educational nature, so that there is feedback through interactivity.
Also, the workshop could be enhanced with gardens, where experiments can be applied on a real scale. In this fashion we can study substancially the organoleptic properties of the products produced through zeolite.
The equivalent can be done in the industrial sector and a mechanical workshop with its classic equipment would be sufficient to promote many of the zeolite applications as a filter and a catalytic element. A workshop of mechanics would highlight the use of zeolite in the construction sector. It is also important to have a workshop capable of producing products through chemistry and biology for human use in the cosmetics and also the medicine fields,in the context of detoxification.
The general idea is, that the zeolite can act as a platform for applications that can convert into innovations through intelligence which doesn’t relay on others so that it may create. The access to the Greek zeolite offers a potential which we should utilize not only theoretically but also practically in order to offer to our country a framework of resistance based on its mineral wealth, but also in its processing as it is that difference that makes the difference in the recovery phase , and not only that of the development which can not provide a phase change that we need for our people.