17543 - The contribution of Christianity

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

They all wonder what is the position of the Church of Cyprus concerning the solution of the Cypriot problem, because the communication is not necessarily understanding.
In reality, things are much clearer than most of us believe, and that, ever since the rejection of the Annan Plan, the integration in the European Union and the proclamation of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus.
One of the most tangible examples of the Archbishop himself, who is never afraid to speak out aloud, whenever is necessary for national issues.
We had experienced it on a personal level even on an experiential one, because his support of the national struggle has always been catalytic.
We also observe, that while most are lost in a diplomatic labyrinth, the Church remains luminous, because it’s following Christ’s example and never makes any devious compromise that can insidiously undermine the national entity of our country.
Therefore, at this stage, at which finally, the tool of the Cyprus EEZ is functoning effectively, our Church actively supports our national positions as it realizes that this is the spearhead of the liberation of Cyprus.
In this context, the information on technical and strategic issues that relate directly to the Cypriot EEZ take place.
In any case, the whole effort is internalized into a single state entity incorporated in the European Union and we are not wasting any time on matters of diplomacy using a vocabulary to please the majority.
The bottom line is quite simple for our Church. It will not abandon national positions, in order to please with meaningless diplomatic approaches both in Cyprus and in Greece.
Neither the President of the Cypriot Republic nor the Prime Minister of the Greek Republic can affect the Archbishop, because he follows only the luminous path of Christ, without a political context.
Therefore, those who are in favour of the Hellenism, will find him always by their side, whoever their opponents may be, as powerful as they may be. It is a reference point, that our Church operates dynamically with the Cypriot EEZ, since it belongs to the Law of the Sea. Because the Law and the sea is of the fundamental elements that characterizes Hellenism for centuries on.
In the action field of the Church, the Cypriot EEZ comes to strengthen its positions, so it could claim the proper, which is also the Just, because we have all understood what is meant by experiential and we know exactly what we want.