18293 - National Chronicles

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

We are not here to provide chairs to those who have no idea what national issues are, because they are constantly engaged with regional and regionalistic issues. Members of Parliament are not assistants of municipal councils with petty interests. Members of Parliament should play a role at national level, because they represent the Greek nation in an institutional context.
And the laws, in order to be humane, they must be voted on, by people who are not puppets and political party henchman who we are sick off, because of the nothingness of their speech.
Currently, Greece enters slowly into her future, and this process should be supported, in terms of putting that aid into practical action.
The National Chronicles are not written by politicians, but by people who have political responsibility. It’s these people Greece needs in order to proceed and to acquire a significant position in the geopolitical chessboard of the European Union, because it is the only way to effectively resist the challenges and attacks that we receive. Because, it is not misery that can protect us. Because, criticism is not sufficient for the task.
We need constructive approaches, which need implementations, and this is posible with the Greek EEZ, the Greek zeolite and Greek innovation, because, we must have extravercion in order to change the data we have within.
Additionally, this is necessary, in order to see Greece and Cyprus liberated from any act of barbarism, as per our occupied territories. Because, we do not accept the occupation which holds captive our own people and Hellenism.