18397 - The Pomaks are not Turks

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The Pomaks are not Turks, whatever the Consulate insists on, and all Greeks should realize that, with their inaction they have contributed that such institutional context which actually violates the rights of the Pomaks remains within Greece,
And they thereby disturb all Thracians as a whole.
Everyone knows, and especially our diplomatic corps, what is the role of this Consulate and that its accordance with our Consulate in Andrianoupolis, is merely artificial and meaningless.
The Pomaks are Greek citizens, with all the rights that entails, therefore, they have no need of any external factors.
That ought to have been understood by every government of the country from 1974 onwards.
Of course, if Members of Parliament themselves do absolutely nothing, while they are allegedly engaged in national issues, it is understood by everyone why nothing happens.
Therefore, the existence of the Consulate is indicative of the ineffectiveness of Members of Parliament who have addressed the issue, or at least, they insist that they have worked on it.
Because the truth is bitter, since many only function with customer relationships as an aim, and with an unacceptable hierarchy and authority.
The Pomaks should be assisted practically and should not be allowed to be blackmailed, without us paying any importance to their lives.
They have this right and it is our duty to help.
There is also an entire Pedagogic Department which can enhance this effort.
Especially if we take in to account that we have Thracians who know precisely what happens in regards to their Education.
We have young people with educational qualifications, who remain underutilized, because we don’t resist actively to an unacceptable institutional context which pokes his nose everywhere. While there is an effective strategy.