18708 - Against barbarism

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

When there is an entire context of propaganda which states that, the perpetrator has never commited genocide against a nation, only our knowledge allows us to resist effectively.
Otherwise, when we hear things regarding a living space, or excuses of the sort: we could not live with so many hostile islands near our shores and for this reason we are trying for years on, to seize them, we get the impression that it is not so absurd and that it has a base, as long as we don’t realise that it is precisely because of genocide that the coasts are occupied.
Consequently, we must possess fundamental knowledge in history, in order to function rationally against barbarism.
Because genocide is a fact, which is undisputed and unquestionable.
It is history therefore, that has recorded it, so that it could be recognized by societies and nations as such.
It is not therefore a vindictive move, but an assertive act.
We follow the UN Charter, which has accepted the concept of genocide as the foundation of crimes against Humanity.
So we continue the work of Lemkin and we speak substancially regarding the rights of humanity.
It is actually a necessary task on the part of the people, in order to justify their existence as human beings who belong to humanity and not only to the societies which they had not selected.
While the perpetrator wants to negate their existence, so that the crime against Humanity would not even exist.Consequently our position against barbarism is not guided by national approaches, but purely by human relationships which exist within Humanity.