19071 - Chronoperceptuality and High Intelligence

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

We are used to hearing about the choroperceptuality of intelligence, as the ability of our brain to manage the three dimensions of space, and identify dimensional objects with ease, and there are even tests, which allow us to assess our capabilities in this context.
However, as time seems linear and one dimensional to most of us, we find it difficult to comprehend the need for the invention of chronoperceptuality.
In actual fact, in regards to the high intelligence, and the extreme one even more so, this ability is literally presented as a fundamental characteristic feature.
It’s not only that time functions and seems different for these categories, but in essence they are capable to see the complexity of its nature and to sense others, which seem non-existent for the rest. It’s not therefore a simple analogy, but a mental scheme based on an isomorphism.
For the noosphere of high intelligence, it regards the field of action which is based on the chronoclassified and it establishes chronostrategy, therefore, the context, the field, the field of action and the battlefield, are converted into chronicle, into chronoclassified, into chronoperceptuality and chronostrategy. In other words, the chronostrategist must obtain chronoperceptuality in order to follow and monitor the mental schemes in chronostrategy. So chronoperceptuality constitutes the necessary, but not the so sufficient condition for the activation.
Now, we must realize that the choros intersections, have their dual analogue in the branchings of chronos, so, there is the path of the Master for the disciple through the light, since it functions with the Time and for Humanity.