20221 - Strategic action

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

When you have all the facts and you claim that you haven’t, it makes sense in a context of spying but not in the diplomatic one, since in this case the interlocutor knows that you know, and he will not even change his state of mind with such tricks which are not stratagems
Therefore, at the time of crisis, you should think that in chess, when you supposedly don’t see half the chessboard, nobody believes it, and each of them considers all your movements, assuming of course that you are aware of the whole context.
Consequently, the evaluation regards the issue entirely, and not only its result.
Don’t expect therefore, for anyone to feel sorry for you, when they will see that you don’t possess any technical strategy and you are incompetent to take strategic action.
Therefore, when you possess strategic thinking, don’t give importance to reviews of no substance and deal with your given evidence, in order to move with maneuvers and combinations without ever letting go.
In Hellenism we don’t abandon anything, and the others respect us because we are pro value.
So if your own are pro servility and partisanship and do not protect Greece, let them go wherever they want, but don’t keep them close to you because they are not with you.
The politicking scams which they try to hide behind empty words, never touched us and we ignore them as we ought to. There’s no need to state that you are a leader, because if you do not have leadership skills, apsolutely nothing will change, as your irrelevance will become obvious.
Our heroes have never had the need to say they are heroes in order to become so. We observed their writings and their actions and we decided to call them that, due to their value.
Nobody can convince us without any work produced, as much as they may be talking about their activities, because we know that only actions matter.
The strategic actions are those that determined the history of Hellenism.
So if you’re only capable to act for appearances’ sake, then leave us alone to fight for you also, against the real enemies, because that is our role as Hellenes.