20320 - We are pro continuity

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

We are pro continuity, because Hellenism doesn’t pause. Even when there are crises, we overcome them by our actions.
Surely the difficulty is great, but we have lots in our quiver and there’s no need to wait.
With the referendum, we pass onto another stage where we too, can actively participate in the future of Greece.
We were able to place both the electric interconnection and the gas pipeline issues, into the Projects of Common Interest, of the European Commission, which means that they will be subsidized as priority projects for the European Union.
And yet many of our own, not only have no idea of what they’re all about, but not even that they exist. Even though they are very serious arguments which are producing great stability in the region.
Additionally they are well known in the European context and it is therefore easier to pass them on as a basis in regards to the negotiations.
With such elements of objective value, we can prove that we actually obtain a high national strategy as per European prerequisites, as they have been assessed and indeed selected.
We have prospects, but it would be wise to also have strategy and negotiation skills which give prominence to it at the right time.