20326 - The decision of the Greeks

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Today nobody has an excuse, because everyone represents himself.
There’s nobody than himself who would hold the ballot paper and put it in the ballot box.
Each of us is now responsible for Greece’s future. It does not matter anymore if it was a good or a bad negotiation.
It doesn’t make sense any longer to examine how we got into this situation.
The bottom line is, what we should do from now on.
And the ballot paper is a new beginning and not just the end of a phase.
We continue our struggle each of us with his individual vote, in order to move on to the next stage.
We may be under the impression that we can not make ends meet hereon.
But this is wrong and indeed strategically so.
From today on, everything is possible. As long as we want it.
And if we really do so, we will accomplish it, since Hellenism has the ability to recover, because it’s not a dogmatism, it does not follow instructions from political parties.
It has seen many of them changing their opinion right after their decision.
Whereas Greece is always here. And on this homeland we will continue to reside.
The micropolitics don’t affect us, and they collapse in front of the real problems.
The important thing is to think strategically and responsibly.
We are a worthy nation, and every right we obtain, we have actually earned.
We have managed to be in the European union and the Eurozone, and we don’t want to abandon our vested.
We are Europeans and we will show it.