20513 - Courses on Energy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

In order to better comprehend what it means to have a process which leads to a consortium of the type: Greek Petroleum – Edison – Total, so as to investigate and mine the mineral resources from marine plot 2 of the Greek EEZ, it would be enough to see what the results of the consortium, Avner – Delek – Noble were, for marine plot 12 of the Cypriot EEZ.
Because we can see, that from the discovery of natural gas in the reserve Aphrodite in December 2011, we’ve moved onto the proof of the merchantability of the deposit in 2015, which practically means that the earnings of Cyprus just from this particular reserve will amount to 510 Millions Euro for 25 years.
Now we must think that, on the Greek marine plot 2, there are two reserves, which have been known for years on.
These are the reserves Pyrrhus (90km2) and Achilles (450km2).
Also the density of the seismic lines of the Norwegian PGS, gives an even clearer picture of the whole context.
Therefore, the consortium has great chances in finding something similar, and to give as a conserquence a boost to the other marine plots.
With the one marine plot, we’re starting a course in the Greek EEZ , which will have expandability, and will work exponentially via the example.
Also if we have a more dense grid south of Crete, we would’ve optimized our efforts, and we will attract investors to the hydrocarbons sector.
Now the emergence is a bare fact, and the lessons on energy are continued in the Greek EEZ hereon.