20567 - We don’t fool around with strategy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

With strategy, and especially when it’s at a national level, we don’t fool around and never with a whole nation at that, because the decisions have enormous consequences which form trails, since they have a continuity even after the events.
It is not coincidental that strategy functions well over the tactical and the operational.
Additionally, when this strategy regards the geopolitical status of the country, when you only have one homeland, you can’t function, political party influenced, because quite simply it’s not proper.
Because it is no longer a pre-election period, but the management, the strategy re: the resources of our people.
We are not therefore talking, about a homeland which has no continuity after the expiry of this period, but for a series of battles which must take place, as per a relay race, which crosses through the decades, and which does not coincide with the short-term election confrontations, even at the highest constitutional level.
Therefore, in strategy we decide and we act. Verbalism is not important, as it relates to diplomacy.
When there is a great problem, which needs to be solved effectively, words are insufficient if they are not accompanied by actions, which come to enhance the battle of the country.
Because our homeland is not a casino, and the roulette is not Russian. Our economy is not the stock market and you don’t play in it, if it’s all Chinese to you.
We are responsible prior to the responsibilities. We are of the Hellenism, we protect our homeland and we will not let them play heads and tails with it, those who have not even have a currency. We will overcome the difficulties with strategy, because the tricks have their limits.