20592 - Jobs positions and Ministry of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

In Greece, because we’re not used to speak with the due seriousness in regards to the issue of energy, especially when it concerns hydrocarbons, we can not imagine the Department of Energy also producing job positions for the Greek nation.
Yet again, if we take into account the meaning of the liquefaction terminal station, we may understand how wrong this approach is.
Because such a station requires around 4,500 people in order to be constructed, in the operating phase however, with all the necessities for the mining station and the pipelines, it requires one hundred thousand people.
We should also keep in mind that with our strategic reserves in the Ionian sea, and those of southern Crete, we must build two terminal stations of this type.
With these data, which are also combined of course with the East-Med pipeline and the Interconnector EuroAsia, with the upgrading of the GRITA Inteconnector, we can understand, not only the value of the Greek EEZ , but also the importance of this Ministry for the country’s future.
Therefore, we must get informed as a nation as well, regarding the role of this Ministry, since it is that, which will also evaluate the proposal of the triple consortium re: the second marine plot of the Greek EEZ, where the Pyrrhus and Achilles reserves are situated.