20593 - Requirement for a change

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

During a phase of crisis, when we are considering the problems with economy’s glance exclusively, of course we count on the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Labour, as this is the norm, because we want an immediate solution.
But this is a tactic that can not function without preparation and the classical scenario follows this structural obstacle and doesn’t allow the achievement of serious goals, because it’s dealing with the factual and that is the problem.
If however we examine the problem in depth of time, then we will realize that we must entrench our efforts and even our transcendence on strategy and energy, which in turn means, that we must deal with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Productive Reconstruction , Environment and Energy.
Because agreements must take place, such as the demarcations of the EEZ, we must achieve enduring alliances, there must even be a context for joint utilization for reserves which come into midline contact, there should be evaluation, negotiation and agreements with consortiums, the construction of pipelines and liquefaction plants must be decided on, and likewise, we will innovatively change the economic data at the workplace as well.