20605 - Constructive strategies

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

What’s of importance right now, is not the alternative tactics and the past scenario analyses, in order to justify our presence in the political processes, but to find constructive strategies which build a path for our homeland.
We secured the fact, after adventures of course, that we belong to the European Union and the euro zone, but this is not enough for the continuity.
Ιt is not enough to merely belong, but we should also have a role, an action, a national strategy.
The geopolitical and geostrategic position of Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean helps towards it, where the largest reserves in the world in the field of hydrocarbons offshore are to be found.
This in itself is of a great importance, since we have to deal with Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt.
The issue of the strategic reserves is not a detail, as it is able to enlist us to the countries sources, and not only passeges.
In actual fact, because the European Union urges ever since 2013, through the European Parliament for the development and promotion of indigenous energy sources in order to minimize, where possible, the energy dependency, and to optimize the energean security through diversity, we are in a possition to play a geo-economic role of great value for the future.
But we must realize it in order to act accordingly, and to distance ourselves from social misery.