20606 - From movements to actions

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

During the negotiations we’ve seen many movements but very few actions. Now we have fewer moves in order to make numerous acts. And as it’s the actions and not the movements which determine our path, and they must take place with great care, in order to obtain a strategic fountation, because later on we need to support them actively.
Now, we are no further dealing with partisanly statements, proposals and counterproposals, but with national decisions being made in a redeployment context.
Therefore these actions are decisive.
Consequently we shouldn’t see them as proof of the end of a crisis, but as an inception of new data, which will constitute the initial conditions for the future of our homeland.
In this context we need to also move, in regards to the issue of the demarcation of the Greek EEZ , re: the utilization of the second marine plot, the East Med pipeline, the EuroAsia Interconnector and the Greek zeolite.
All these issues are of strategic importance and of national value, and they constitute constructive solutions to economic problems which can not be solved in an economical manner alone.
Is it therefore wise to get caught up in an exclusively economic context, without including it in our geopolitics within a national high strategy?