20729 - Innocence too has its limits

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

There are many that believe that there is no deceit and that actually the dominant element is innocence. We must realize though that innocence too has its limits. When you make so many contacts with individuals that play through populism from every side with alliances in various countries against the same target, you cannot say that you didn’t know anything. When you examine the given data through the dynamic systems and the antisystemic operates as a system. It states that it is against and reproduces the same behavior. This is obvious in a political and party-political level, in the direction of voters but also in those that are voted. They function supposedly to provide advice to countries that suffer, but in reality, they have their own target which is not assistance. They have an ideology that easily jumps from one extreme to the other without a problem, because what only matters is captivation. Some innocents don’t see what is happening. Others disrupt suddenly the cooperation, when they realize the things go beyond the limits. And others continue so that they can be justified in any way. We have a little of everything, as long as we make the right choice so that we deviate from innocence.