20793 - If it’s at all possible!

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

If it’s at all possible for them to ask of us to change the law, re: the appointment of hospital administration personnel, in order for the independent choice to be ensured!
Who is capable of believing that this demand comes from abroad?
Who doesn’t understand that it’s the systems victims who have requested it?
Who doesn’t understand that there is a problem?
They also requesting for us to take control over salaries and bonuses, especially for travel ones, and the vacations of staff.
There is certainly an issue generally speaking, but the issue of travel and vacation bonuses, comes to our surprise, since we can’t even imagine what the problem is regarding those.
Because, which one of us knows any of their own who shamelessly exploit these two elements?
Definitely nobody.
But the question remains.
How could they have thought of this very specific matter by themselves, which is impossible to be taking place in our country and especially by its own nationals.
Anyway, we couldn’t have saved anything from the implementation of this measure, since in order to do so, it should be applied somewhere, and this is impossible right here!