20889 - We continue the fight

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

We are not pro nihilism and we forget nothing.
Our memory has recorded all that has been said by many, without them ever implementing a single thing.
Therefore, there is no confusion in our mind, as we give a battle for the future of our homeland.
We aren’t trying to vindicate no theoretical approach, nor to justify a mistake.
All that concerns us is Greece and how she will overcome her problems, and to those, dogmatisms are included, which by the way have fallen into a coma and they think that everything is about vegetables.
Greece is pro democracy and pro battle, and doesn’t need any artificial progress that has no perspective.
Greece is not a political party and we are really quite indifferent to any central committee which can’t think beyond its own context, and can’t even see the geostrategic position of Greece, because it has remained at the mental schemes of Saint Luke, if the expression is not misplaced regarding the particular case, where Scribes and Pharisees, unable to see the substance is more appropriate.
So whatever they may say, it would be merely to justify their existence and not in order to help our homeland.
Greece is in need of strategic planning and people who know, not only to fight but also to withstand during the battle.
Words are enough..