20890 - If you are pro the future of Greece

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

If you are pro the future of Greece, you have no need to hear everything that has been said, because after a few years, we will no longer make any reference to these degradations of social misery.
We must avoid the local image of each neighbourhood and to deal with the big picture, the national one.
The things then are much simpler.
Hellenism stabilized its dynamics through the islands and the mountains.
The endless blue serves as a shield and the meteor as a spear.
Both options are strategic and not economic.
Now the things are also becoming energean.
This means that the reliability of the geostrategic position will have significant impacts on geo-economy.
The point is that this credibility must exist, and priority should be given to it, rather than wasting time with artificial problems, which even with their resolution will not offer any prospects in the long run.
Whereas, the mineral wealth of the country has enormous potentials, oil, natural gas and methane hydrates.
We have marine plots for the first time in our history.
We have seismic data, even though we still need more and denser ones.
So we need to function strategically and scientifically, in order to invest for the future of Greece and the Greek nation without dependencies.