20908 - In regards to the prominence of the strategic reserves Southern of Crete

N. Lygeros
E. Konofagos, N. Lygeros

South of Crete there are strategic hydrocarbon reserves, which are at least ten times larger than those found in the Ionian Sea.
In order for this utilization to occur, we must have more accurate seismic data than those in our possession, so that they may have at least the precision we have in the Ionian Sea.
It would then be more likely for us to have several reserves at different depths, depending on which of the marine plots from 12 to 20, they are located at.
There are so many cases which we have to analyze at a strategic level, in regards to the form of their exploitation.
If the reserves are situated relatively close to shore, then a dry liquefaction station could be created.
If it’s located at greater distances, but there is an easy way for the installation of a pipeline, then the same applies there as well.
If now there is a huge problem for the installation of a pipeline, then there is also the solution type: FPSO, ie Floating Production Storage Offloading.
This system uses retrofitted gas processing tanker and storage area.
In the case that we want on-site production of liquefied natural gas, there is the FLNG Floating Liquefied Natural Gas solution at hand.
And this method has different scales to be used according to the needs and the demands.
Consequently, this means that it’s clearly an issue of strategic will, because the technical solutions for the field Southern of Crete are already available at this point of time.