21043 - A thousand leaves

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

The oak tree had a thousand leaves like the book.
The young girl stood up and touched the coat of arms.
It was warm as if a human body had heated it.
How was it possible?
After all he wasn’t here. He hadn’t returned yet.
When she lifted her gaze higher, she saw his sword.
As unbelievable as it was even if she didn’t see anything
she was certain that he was with her.
Then the page of the book also changed and she smiled.
The young girl was beside the invisible with the voiceless language.
She started to read the points that he showed her.
The letters belonged to a different century.
But she knew about the spirit of Time.
So she also read about the island.
And its history.
That year of the great siege.
And he was in the other fort
on the other side of the port
the one that was drowning initially.
There they had arrived from the other island.
He was showing her the shape: they were the walls.
It was as if she was flying above it. She was no longer touching the ground.
He was holding her from below with his two wings.