21084 - The barbaric catastrophe of the Church

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

In Albania, the barbaric destruction of the church of Aghios Athanasios did not occur randomly and it reminds us of other eras, when such actions were common practice.
It isn’t a fact that it’s due to wrong movements, but due to deliberate ones.
And the trick regarding the other saint is purely ridiculous.
The arrogance derives fron a hidden tradition, since in the past, simultaneously with the systematic destruction of the churches, the smuggling of icons abroad also occurred.
It is interesting to note that even the family of Albanian Prime Minister has been accused through his father for such condemnable acts against Christianity.
We have seen atrocities of this kind in other parts of the world, and we will not keep our mouths shut, because we know that otherwise the same methodology will continue.
As far as Albania is conserned, being a democratic country, and evenmore, a candidate for EU membership, this act of barbarism is highly unacceptable.
We will not remain silent regarding this issue, for as long as the church of Aghios Athanasios has not been restored, and thoughtless words would not impede us from this battle, because we know what is the proper that ought to be done.
This church is not a singular one in actual fact, but it is an example of resistance which must indicate to everyone what should be done, in order to avoid a repetition, but also for the necessary corrections to occur, so that this fact may be transformed into a local disaster, which will have no other diversifications elsewhere, or other effects in other sectors of our relations.