21087 - The discovery of the Zohr reserve, and its impact on Greece

E. Konofagos, N. Lygeros, A. Foskolos

The recent discovery of the hyper gigantic reserve Zohr by the Italian company ENI in Egypt’s EEZ, comes to justify our battle of many years, in order to convince the Greek politicians regarding the value of the Greek EEZ.
The discovery of the largest reserve of recent years, occurred in the Levantine Basin, which concerns the Cypriot EEZ as well.
The Zohr reserve is twice larger than the deposit Leviathan, which was discovered in 2010 and was up until recently the largest.
In the same basin, both the Tamar and Aphrodite reserves are also situated, which were discovered successively in 2009 and 2001.
This means that all the assessments we have made in regards to the strategic reserves in the region are reinforced with practical way, whereas for so many years we’ve heard that all this was exeggerations on our part.
Now, they all certainly agree with the new data, that it was an expected result according to estimates made in the past.
But we will not dwell on this point, and we will continue our analysis by saying that the Zohr reserve bares a resemblance to the target-reserve located in the marine plot 14 of the Greek EEZ, which we call Minos.
And this occurs on a geological level.
Meaning that, the geological structure has similarities which come to enhance the role that Minos can play, even though we have initially made estimates, based on the seismic data provided by the Norwegian company PGS.
Therefore the Zohr reserve with its discovery, will come to enhance and highight the value of Minos, so as to be able to convince the Greek politicians that we can utilize it effectively.