21089 - Against the audacity of irrelevance

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

When irrelevance reaches a certain extend, only audacity can hide it.
The pre election statements, literally drove away the foreign companies which were applicants to the Small Lisencing Round concerning Katakolon, the Gulf of Patras and Ioannina.
Following that, the annulling efforts led to the Large Lisencing Round with the 20 marine plots in the Ionian sea and south of Crete, to virtually be reduced to a lisencing round regarding one marine plot.
As if that wasn’t enough, we also had the fact that the Small Lisencing Round has not yet reached conclusion, and the Large, has not yet been examined at the level of the applications, since the files have not yet been opened, from which we will be directly receiving as a Greek State, the sum of 100,000 Euros per each with their opening alone.
There was a two month extension, supposedly for contacts with Russia and China to take place, but to no avail, since they focussed on another plan, which again did not reach conclusion due to incompetence.
So now, when we hear, actual political party henchmen, to try to convince the Greek nation that our reserves are not important due to the absence of foreign applications, it’s really ridiculous and sad, as it insults our intelligence.
Not only they did all they could to reduce the Large Lisencing Round, since they could not cancel it completely, but now, some ignorant in regards to the sector want to prevail, rather than apologize for the costs they caused to the Large Lisencing Round, to the Greek EEZ, and to Greece, because of ideological dogmatism.