21094 - New data for the strategy of Greece

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

The discovery of the field Zohr changes the Mediterranean chessboard because of its size, since it is super gigantic. It not only upgrades Egypt, but it provides it self – sufficiency. So the significance of this geopolitical player takes on new dimensions and reinforces the trilateral in which we participate with Cyprus, which has gained value after the certification of the marketability of the Aphrodite field. We thus have two countries that support us practically with their political will, but also with the strategic reserves, since they have the same objective. The same applies for the other trilateral with Israel which has two significant fields, Leviathan and Tamar. Also with this country there is framework of cooperation for two very significant programs which are considered of common interest by the European Committee and will finance to a large degree. The Interconnector EuroAsia and the East Med pipeline that both come to reinforce the energy security of the European Union because of the capability of independence. All this data is brought to link with the 20 offshore blocks which we have and are in essence within the passage of the future pipelines. Their value is in the range of 1.7 Trillion Euro. In the Ionian Sea the fields Pyrros and Achilleas, South of Crete the field Minos for example are practical objectives that form the spearhead for continuity. For this reason we must directly and immediately proceed with the trilateral and the delimitation of our EEZs in the region, with the process of tendering for the second offshore block, with the denser seismic research in the offshore block 14, with the extension to the Herodotus basin, with the amendment of Hydrocarbons law to include the new data. Then it is necessary to examine also the capacities of methane hydrates reserves, since we have the largest reserves of European Union in Mediterranean.