21100 - The Cypriot EEZ against servility
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias
There are some, who due to their servility, want Cyprus to be incompetent to obtain strong geopolitics, so as to always remain at the mercy of others.
A decade ago, they didn’t even want to hear the expression EEZ, and did not applauded its adoption.
Furtheron, as they could not resist its intensity and the dynamics of the demarcations, they tried to tell us that natural gas is just a bubble, and even more so, a political trick for the elections.
Latter on, having been forced to accept the context of the licensing round, they tried to stop the drilling, but even that did not come out according to plan for them.
For a few years they wanted to prove that the Aphrodite reserve was neither large nor of value.
And yet finally, in 2015 it was proved to be marketable.
Therefore they fail to succeed again, and Cyprus began to acquire an objective value and indeed a strategy capable of hindering strange movements against her.
So they changed, and they started to undermine the power cable, the EuroAsia Interconnector, the East Med pipeline, but both programs passed through the European Commission and were naturally added to the Projects of Common Interest.
Now they are trying to reduce the value of the liquefaction plant, which is able to bring tens of thousands of jobs.
But of course when you’re pro servility, you don’t want such actions, because they enhance your country, as they have the ability to liberate your homeland.
Yet again, Cyprus relentlessly continues its course without phobias.