21158 - From the political uncertainty to the energean stability

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The large hydrocarbon licensing round re: the 20 maritime plots, is a good criterion to evaluate the irrelevance of some, who were acting out to be the competent ones, but made a mess out of it for Greece.
When the licensing round was published, the foreign observers have described it as very professional.
Thereon it was published in the European Union’s official journal and it was accepted by all 28 member states without exceptions.
But thereafter we saw it all: its almost cancellation, its almost amendment, its extension, without appropriate contacts taking place, in order for it to function dynamically, since the priorities were different, and as a result we have only three nominations for the 20 maritime plots, whereas Cyprus was 33 for 12 plots.
There was an interest in regards to only three, instead of nine in the case of Cyprus.
Just as well they were not all withdrawn, with everything this political uncertainty created, because nobody wants to sign a contract with a State that doesn’t know what’s happening, and everyone says what they like.
As if all that wasn’t enough, it became known to us that the files containing the applications were not even opened, even though each automatically gives 100,000 euros to Greece, and that the committee which had to assess them was not convened yet.
In actual fact, there is so much irrelevance due to absence of specialists, that, a change is necessary in order to have a future in the particular field.
Because even the caretaker government will not interfere in this matter, and whatever must be done, will now be postdated till after the elections.
Then, depending on the results, we will see if at least the second marine plot will have the analogue result as marine plot 12 in Cyprus, or a licensing round will be ending ingloriously due to propaganda.