21167 - Objective values

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

When objective values are not even existent within a political sector, how can you expect some development regarding the co implementation of a policy.
While it has been proven, that all that matters, is the political party and that alone, regadless of the consequences for our homeland, then why are you wondering if there is still hope.
The substance is definitely elsewhere, especially when you realize that it’s unable to play a role in strategy and energy.
Because the stilted negotiations not only didn’t work in favour towards the evolution of Greece, but they managed to downgrade it, as the priorities were such, that they didn’t have a national aim.
The objective values are not associated with the ideology of nihilism.
Now Greece has to make specific movements and actions in the areas of strategy and energy, utilizing a European context in order for Hellenism to function even more effectively.
We ought to produce works in regards with the Greek EEZ, the Greek zeolite and the Greek innovation.
We are disgusted of the partisanly misery that deals solely with its social existence.
We are no longer isolated, because there are other options which obtain objective values and believe that the human has a priority.
The actual fact is that without strategy, within such a situation, there is no future. Therefore our first choice should be strategic, in order to boost up our homelands energy.
This action field is absolutely necessary, so, enough with the compromises and the gimmicks.