21171 - Redefining Security

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

When they are all dealing with the effects and consequences, without even considering what are the structural elements of the cause, then we get the wrong impression in regard to the safety issue.
Because the problem that concerns us is merely our resistance towards the absorption of a migration wave, as if its initial aim was to cause detriment.
Additionally during this process, Greece is presented as a target destination, whereas its specifically a passage.
This is due to the fact that many have forgotten how many foreigners from various categories heve departed from our country because of the crisis.
Because if they remembered, they wouldn’t be so astonished with the new situation.
And since we don’t connect the cause to the problem, we have people who are simultaneously saddened about the devastation of youth, but also about the presence of refugees in their region.
They forget that there is no wave without wind on the sea.
They forget that if there was fear on one hand and hope on the other, we would not have these results, because that is the problem.
People are afraid to die and they hope to live.
They fear to remain there and want to live elsewhere.
They are situated on an action field, which is activated by these two entities.
If there weren’t any target-States for a better life, then there wouldn’t be any passage-States for these problems.
And if we help only at the end of the process, then it is expected for the problem to be maximized, and not to be solved.
For this reason, we should understand that the solution exists, but that it has nothing to do with this approach of giving aid afterwards.
And the reason is simple, because the need for help is initial.
And if they had received it in an efficient manner, then they would not have fled their homeland.
Security must exist at the refugee homelands, and not only at ours, because otherwise the problem will be transferred.