21273 - Hellenism of Pontus is armenian

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

There exist strategic ideas which derive from the continuity of history and even if they seem radical for most, they are only innovative, because they provide new prospects in areas where the classical analysts see deadlock. Pontus as occupied territory, is considered by most and even from the Greeks, more of a symbol rather than a region. This way of course we have a simplistic approach of the issue which is passive, because it is limiting in a sense that we are expecting everything from the others, while Pontus as a region exists and of course in a clear manner in the Treaty of Sèvres. Within this context, Pontus relates directly to Armenia and is included in Western Armenia, which is under occupation. And who would consider it unreasonable in order to liberate an occupied territory to include it in a greater one. But his perception is not prepared because it is a classical act in strategy through the mathematical mental schemes. So essentially, this conception becomes comprehensive by saying that Hellenism of Pontus is armenian. In other words if we realize that the occupied territories can be liberated institutionally by Aremenity then all of us now understand that there is an allied framework which is not only a friendship but a relation of alliance. So Pontus, as occupied territories that differentiate from the occupied territories of Cyprus and of Thrace due to topostrategy, belongs to the same context chronostrategically. Because liberty remains a victory of civilization against barbarity, only that this civilization is not necessarily equivalent to implement the act of liberation it suffices being isomorphus and this enhances our initial mental scheme.