21373 - Opossing servility

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Although we’ve been opossing servility since 1821, it still exists in Greece and Cyprus, due to social reasons and because of the Stockholm syndrome.
But what’s important, is for us to think, that even though servility exists, Hellenism managed to overcome it, and to achieve unimaginable results.
Therefore every Greek knows that they can’t trust the serviles and continues on his own path.
The problem arises when serviles obtain political positions at various levels, parliamentary, ministerial, prime ministerial and presidential.
Because then, there should be an even stronger resistance, which is aware of its direction, even without receiving any support.
Additionally, when solutions are presented, we must remain cautious and imagine, that when the choice will be given to us, the context would be prepared in such a manner, that in fact it will be an entrapment, if we haven’t contemplated prior, all the data which will be presented to us.
In both Greece and Cyprus we now know how important the context of the EEZ is, and how fundamental the fact of its utilization and its drilling-extraction is.
Consequently we must learn much more about connected evidential data, in order to obtain knowledge to set our priorities.
Without the EEZ, any solution would be an unacceptable compromise and an unsustainable one at that.
We opt for our liberation from both servility and the invaders.
Because our homelands must be free and nothing less or else.