21404 - The victory of Cyprus through the Zohr reserve (with E. Conophagos)

E. Conophagos, N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Many in Cyprus assume that there isn’t another reserve in the Cypriot EEZ except for the Aphrodite reserve.
Others believe that with the Zohr reserve, it lost an opportunity and at a high level at that.
Whereas reality is radically different.
There are at least two more natural gas reserves in marine plot 12, and at least four more oil reserves, as we’ve indicated in our analyses.
As far as the Zohr reserve is concerned, the facts are significant.
Initially we must note, that the natural gas reserve is by 99.9% within the Egyptian EEZ, but we must also remember, that its geological structure has its 1/6 located within the Cypriot EEZ.
And this is very important, although it didn’t receive the due consideration, even by the competent officials.
Therefore, if we examine the section of its geological structure, we will discover that there is an oil reserve, far below the natural gas reserve, and that it’s located half ab indiviso in the Cypriot EEZ.
In other words, Cyprus will receive benefits from 50% of the mining of this reserve.
ENI is already planning to make the next drilling in about a year in regards to this reserve.
In other words, it will help Cyprus, on the Egyptian EEZ side as well.
So Cyprus must permanently stop referring solely to the Aphrodite reserve, since there are so many stocks which change the data.
This practically means, that an innovative change should take place regarding the Cypriot model of utilization of the Cypriot EEZ.
Otherwise, all these elements can’t be included.
The discovery of the Zohr reserve through its oil, constitutes a victory for Cyprus and we must utilize it strategically.