21766 - Humane strategy in the East

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

We hear a lot, but see little from behind the scenes of strategy, and we are not yet accustomed to analyzing distant situations, which give us the impression that they haven’t a direct contact with us.
Many awoke from their lethargy and their inaction, only when the problems touched upon European soil, while the problematics existed prior, since two eons ago, when an extreme sect appeared, which denied even the classical schools and assumes that all people of the book are enemies and must be exterminated.
But when we hastily glance just at the facts, and not the strategic behaviours, we believe that all these are recent, whereas, they are influenced by the distant past, only they are functioning aggressively now, due to the mass phenomenon, which is no longer related to speed of growth, since it seems to be immediate .
Many are still in the dilemma of whether or not we should help, while that is’nt the issue.
Of course we should help, but not in the places of arrival, but on the contrary, in the countries of departure, there, where there is life which is not merely condemned by the attacks, but also by the fleeing.
Because no resistance can be activated efficiently with a shortage of men.
Therefore, we ought to think strategically, in order to be rational and effective in regards to the Human Rights, since the people prefer to live where their roots are for centuries on, and elsewhere it’s not only difficult, but due to the mass, they will inevitably cause friction early on, and then saturation because they will exceed the limits of the absorption capacity.
So we must think from before for what’s to follow, in order to realize that the aid should have foundations, so that it could stabilize and de-escalate the crisis
This is possible with Humane strategy, rather than humanitarian aid.
In other words the struggle against barbarism should take place at the derivation source, because that’s what’s proper for the people who suffer, and not to wait passively for the conclusion of a Crime against Humanity, so that we can be activated thereon.