21961 - Ideological blindness and future prospects

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

When you handle everything and especially the economic and the political data, under the prism of an ideology that blinds you, while Humanity already knows that it’s to no avail, as it never functioned, even when thousands of people were violated simply because they disagreed and expressed their opinion.
When you reach a stage of confusing “google” with “goolag” in seeking the truth, how do you assume that you’ll acquire knowledge in order to establish a situation.
When everything you do, occurs only in order to gain new voters, because the political party is above all, how could you understand what is strategy and what the energean capacities are.
In other words, how could you see the prospects of the future, when you’re standing on them ?
And when you’re trying to find help in order to accommodate your devised plans, and go around asking for money from countries that are each worse than the other, why don’t you understand what happens when none of them does you the favour?
When you’re overcome by ideological blindness, how could you be useful to us?
For this reason, don’t be surprised if we no longer pay any attention to you, and we let you cultivate your own misery, since even your voters are on the way out.
We continue relentlessly together with those who don’t kneel over, and have a vision to aid Greece through Hellenism, without losing any of the timeless values, because they aren’t influenced by the fashion phenomena that act as inflatable bubbles.
Οur country’s future prospects are not related to outmoded ideologies of a past era, because we are not for the reproduction of obsolete models.
Consequently if you want to produce work, then,snap out of it!