22004 - We are not negotiating the meaning of Genocide

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

For every Genocide denier, we have nothing but the same thing to say: That they are not only unacceptable but also illegal.
We are not negotiating the meaning of Genocide.
Following R. Lemkin’s invention, we are aware of Stanton’s phases and the correction process.
Greece has recognized the Genocide of the Jews, the Genocide of the Pontians, the Genocide of the Armenians and in conclusion it then passed through the law , regarding the criminalization of the denial of any formally recognized genocide.
Therefore the context, and especially the legal one, is crystal clear.
There is therefore no reason for further delay, since Humanity has already decided and Greece followed the same mental scheme, because it is what’s proper.
And for this reason precisely we want it all, and we want it right now: the resignation, the conviction for an act of barbarism, and the reinstatement of the chapter which was withdrawn from the book.
Genocide is thereon an integral part of history and whoever questions the issue, in actual fact questions our own history.
This action constitutes one of the most severe crimes against the Nation.
In other words, it’s not merely regarding nihilism and servility, but a backstabbing blow towards the struggle of the international recognition of the Genocide of the Pontians and nothing less, as you actually spit on the 353,000 victims.
Because they didn’t simply die, but they were genocided, as they were constituting the target of a systematic catastrophe.
Innocent were sentenced, merely because they were Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks, this was their crime for their genocider.
Innocent were genocided, in order for people to disappear, in order for the future to be executed.
And now, here comes a denier, a nihilist, who explains to us, that all these victims are deleted in regards to the concept of genocide.
But barbarism will not prevail!