22028 - The mission of the Fourth United Nations Committee

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Contrary to what we could’ve assumed, the fourth United Nations committee’s sole mission isn’t that, of decolonization.
In the context of the specific policies, which have been assigned to the committee since 1990 following the independence of most of the colonies, and the under control regions, it deals with the Palestinian refugees and the human rights, the peacekeeping, the action against mines, space issues, data, ionizing radiation and the University for Peace.
Therefore, it’s in this broad spectrum that it is necessary for us to emphasize re:that, and not merely regarding the decolonization process.
As far as the Western Sahara is concerned, it is certainly obvious that it initially belonged in the Spanish colonization context, but since that has reached an end, there is no equivalent factor to support this point.
The Spaniards had occupied this region, but this isn’t by no means the case in regards to the Moroccans, since they were present in the area for centuries on.
It would be wise to use the Cypriot example in order to comprehend the structural analogy.
In the context of it’s propaganda, Turkey presents the 1974 invasion as an intervention in order to save the Turkish Cypriots from a colonial behaviour on the part of the Greek Cypriots.
Only we should not forget that they lived on the island of Cyprus prior 1571.
In actual fact, it’s only during the the period of the Ottoman invasion that the first Turkish will appear, and not before.
Consequently, the Greek Cypriots can not be accused of their colonization.
The same is applicable to Morocco. Therefore, it is important to extricate itself from this factor, which does no longer makes sense in a historical context.