22154 - The denial of genocide

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

The denial of genocide is not only illegal and unconstitutional due to the legislation of our homeland it is also, first of all, an act of barbarity and it is as such that it must be addressed by our democracy. Now anyone can realize due to the terrorist attacks in Paris which followed those which occurred in London, in Madrid and in New York, what it actually means to say that there are no crimes, that there are no victims so that there aren’t any perpetrators. It is not a simple thing to spit on the face of Hellenism of Pontus within its own homeland and not have penalties because simply just as Creon you do as you please with any Antigone which resists. Of course you take advantage of the regime and the inaction of the other politicians because there only but a few that resist even with the chapter that was withdrawn while it is the history of Hellenism. You make use of course the economic situation where each one looks after his own ass because they find the back-pocket empty. But you have forgotten about the fighters who for many years fight for the recognition of the trinity of genocide, namely the genocide of the Armenians, of the Assyrians and of the Greeks of Pontus. And you should know that these ones don’t forget the acts of barbarity, whoever may commit them. Because they follow the humanness of Hellenism and not the arbitrary authorities of a system which doesn’t know how to manage that which it produces. These ones don’t forget any genocide and know how to detect the accomplices of oblivion wherever they may be until mnemosyne comes back again for the reparation of the victims. The Ottoman Empire, the Young Turks, Mustafa didn’t succeed in exterminating all the Greeks of Pontus and you too will not succeed in ravaging their memory.