22277 - Anti-exegesis is a negation of tradition

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Sianne Tsandidis

Contrary to what some believe, a literal interpretation cannot constitute a traditional movement. In reality, this phrase presents an oxymoron and for this precise reason the approach is antinomical. The entire wahabi process does not represent one tradition such as salafism with which it is mistakenly confused, but rather a negation of Muslim tradition. In fact, wahabism deems every interpretation as irreverent and as such, erases centuries of theological works on the Qur’an, as though all of these studies carried no meaning for the Muslim Faith. Worse still, this tradition in its entirety is tried and punished. However, we must realise that through this, the eradication of collective memory, even if in its first phase remains within the religious framework, comprises a preparatory work of the genocide of memory which, in effect, can lead to the literal act of genocide, whereby we witness the formation of classification, symbolisation, dehumanisation, organisation, polarisation, preparation, extermination and finally, denial which represent the eight stages of the construction of a genocide. So, if the Muslim community allows this to occur without reacting, it will not only become a victim of this situation, but will also be regarded through its failure of the resistance of its theologians, as a true collaborator of the devastating effects aimed at the entire world and especially the ‘People of the Book’.