22355 - The Russian positions in regards to the Cypriot issue

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The Russian positions in regards to the Cypriot issue are much more straightforward at this point of time, and their statements are indicative of it.
Because they believe that the pseudo attitudes in regards to the resolution, and the erroneous schedules have never offered anything.
This Indeed comes to enhance the Russian negative point of view towards the Annan Plan, since for that reason it had decided not to be supportive of it, even for safety reasons.
Additionally, because it considers that Cyprus belongs to the European Union there is no reason regardless of whatever solution there may be, to put the issue of the guarantor powers on the table.
Greece and England also belong to the European Union.
Consequently, why should they have a further opinion in regards to other EU countries?
The same and even more so, applies of course to Turkey, who doesn’t even belong to this institution.
Turkey sets various obstacles to the Republic of Cyprus, beyond the fact that it doesn’t even recognize it as a State, and or as a member State of the European Union.
The Russian positions therefore, not only aren’t illogical, but they follow the logic of the international law.
In this manner, they come to support us in our strategic approach towards the issue, which has nothing to do with the given solutions which can not be supported in any way or form, as they are arbitrary due to the lack of high strategy at a national level.