22369 - Late and early

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Initially in strategy, during the first steps of course, the concept of neighbourhood because of proximity and borders seem to be dominant, even though it’s actually based solely on the differentiation that exists between the words near and far, at a contact level.
In topostrategy, we give more importance to the concept of relationship rather than contact, because we know that the first is mightier than the second.
By integrating Time in topostrategy we reach chronostrategy, where the term of the bond appears, and which is stronger than the relationship, due to its timeless character.
With these context changes, the sequence: contact, relationship, bond, function: geo-, topo-, chrono-, strategically.
In all these cases however, the initial element is space, even if finally we have the intervention of Time.
We could however invent an analogous sequence, starting from the initial confrontation that exists between the words: recent and forthcoming.
Those represent a dual system which supplies the temporal proximity, meaning the contact.
Whereas the relationship will be expressed through the concept of cause, more specifically, through the cause and the effect.
In this case the adjointment is not due to the distance.
The chronostrategy will play the role of topology.
In order to integrate strategy at a high level, the placement upon the before and after concepts is not enough, which are subjects in regards to static.
Strategy needs dynamics, and those are the ones which are possessed by the notions: late and early, as a complex.
The timing within this context, becomes quite important.
Therefore the thought that: the after, post the prior, will characterize the late, and the after before the prior, the early.
Chronostrategy is the art of the early, in order not to be late.