22461 - The geostrategic value of the EuroAsia Interconnector transmission cable

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Panayiotis Diamadis

The value of the EuroAsia Interconnector does not originate from the technological characteristics of the project alone, but naturally also from its geopolitical dimension, since three states are acting cooperatively: Hellas, Israel and Cyprus within a European context, confirmed by the second evaluation as a Project of Common Interest with a high rating for the project. Since it follows the regulations of this institution, it has essential social benefits. With long-term use, a stable relationship is created amongst the three states, but also with Italy, which will be responsible for a great part of the realisation of the project, technically and technologically. Therefore, atop the axis which follows a horizontal strategic scheme and creates a strong alliance, the Interconnector stabilises the Eastern Mediterranean region, at least in the maritime sphere. The strengthening of Cyprus and Krete as insular territories is extremely significant, as it liberates them from energy isolation. In conjunction with the deposits of natural gas located in the region and their future utilisation, we comprehend that the EuroAsia Interconnector also assists the energy security of the European Union, as it provides the capability for decreased dependence on the classic sources of energy. It is not only, therefore, a technological project which, of course, has a value of its own. Since it consists of strategic infrastructure which supports energy, but also an energy which has strategic benefits for our peoples. In other words, with this top-level interface which activates local authorities, who may at last play a role, indeed a decisive one for the actualisation of a vision of high strategy, namely the utilisation of the Mediterranean exclusive economic zones.