22463 - The reality of the tripartites

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The reality of the tripartites between, Israel-Greece-Cyprus and Egypt-Greece-Cyprus, doesn’t merely appear at high strategic level, but at tactical and operational levels as well.
The EuroAsia Interconnector electric cable and the East Med natural gas pipeline, are visions that alter our noosphere in regards to the Eastern Mediterranean and the European Union.
Therefore, the tripartites, which initially appear as mere diplomatic moves, in actual fact constitute strategic actions.
And in this context, the islands of both Cyprus and Crete play an essential role, not merely as passages, but as future sources as well.
Because they combine both characteristics, as they are in the area of the reserves, with nine marine plots south of Crete and thirteen marine plots South of Cyprus respectively, but as well as at the axis: Israel and Egypt, right up to Italy with the European Union as an aim.
So Greece and Cyprus as Hellenism, play an active role in a context defined by the energy and the strategy.
And at this level, it is quite possible to talk about a meta strategy of Hellenism that is not merely regarding survival, as some analysts believe, but mostly the recovery, which brings the growth through the utilization of the EEZ of Hellenism.
We are not only a double link, but a bond, in a form of a intertemporal relationship, which establishes new important contacts due to the essentiality and the endurance of our evolution. This provides us with perspectives which can overcome social misery, as they’re not confined to the population as such, but they go on to help the people of Hellenism.