22517 - The EuroAsian Interconnector and the Ministry of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Because it seems that some experts want to promote their own interests for economic reasons, it’s wise to bring to mind, the positive response of the Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy, regarding recent developments connected with the Italian signatures, based on which, environmental, technical and technological studies are initiated, but also bathymetric ones as well.
Because whatever we may hear regarding alternating current (AC), we all know that it’s the direct current (DC) which we utilize in order to transfer large quantities of power through high voltage, in order to minimize the huge loss of AC for long distances.
And for all those who don’t believe, that it can’t cover distances of hundreds of kilometers, we must note that in Brazil, there is already a planned interconnection HVDC, 2.375 km in length, with a 600KV voltage, which will transfer 6,45GW.
Additionally, it’s interesting to know that, as far as very long distances are concerned, the direct current (DC) as a system, is cheaper than the alternating current (AC).
Consequently, the EuroAsia Interconnector cable, doesn’t only function locally, but it also enhances the whole EU network, and supports our energean security in this manner.
That is what the Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy, emphasized on, in his speech on the day of the signatures.
Because the range of the project affects three countries: Greece, Israel and Cyprus as far as location is concerned, and Italy in regards to the construction, but it actually aims to link the Eastern Mediterranean with the European Union, and this also enhances our geopolitical position in this energean game.