22606 - Christian women’s fight against the terrorist organization Daesh

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

At a time that everyone is trying to convince us with a bone-crushing naivety that it’s quite normal for huge numbers of the male population to leave their homeland as a result of conducted fighting there, as if all of them have forgotten how the Greeks resisted when we were under occupation, we see Christian women taking up the arms in order to fight against the Daesh terrorist organization.
A factor that makes the propaganda of neutrality which covers up the guilt of all those who do nothing, to seem ridiculous and unreliable.
Or else what should we imagine? That it’s all men who are fleeing, leaving behind them their women and children in order to find a better life in Europe, while women remain in order to resist the intolerable attacks of the terrorist organization?
Aren’t those who are trying to tell us that they are helping the people of the East ashamed, just because they provide a means of transport within the European Union, while their actual need lays within their own country, within their own homeland, ie, exactly where the Christian women are, who are forced to enter the fight of resistance in order to gain a future for their children.
How many times will they listen to leftism of nothingness, that is unable to follow the mental schemes of people like Che in Latin America, the anarchists in Spain and especially in Barcelona, the others in Russia.
How many genuine leftist movements haven’t struggled against the Nazis.
And wasn’t Mikis resistance exemplary? Didn’t Manolis action matter?
On the other hand we have the right-wing nationalists of the kafeneion, who want to give us lessons on the matter.
Eventually we prefer those Christian women who place the political parties where they ought to, and they give a fair dinkum struggle against barbarism without ever retreating.